How YOU can help

We all have different comfort levels, interests, and skillsets.  Whatever you feel comfortable with please help, roll up your sleeves and get involved.  We CAN and ARE making a difference, but we need you!  

NOTE: Also see the Resource Pages (Curriculum/Data Privacy and Medical Choice) for other things you can do!



Requires less time and involvement  

  • WATCH: For inspiration
  • VOTE & DONATE: To campaigns that support our mission “Preserving Parental Rights & Medical Choice”
  • ATTEND: BOE meetings at your school, check your town’s BOE website for details (for Greenwich, CT – Central Middle School or via zoom
  • JOIN (and stay informed): Concerned CT Parents; Children’s Health Defense; Moms for Liberty
  • ENGAGE: Parents, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Friends, Alumni (tell them what’s going on and how they can help)
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: Tell people they’re not alone and connect them with other parents



Requires more time and involvement, but is extremely powerful.  Much of this is supporting our children and reminding politicians and administrators that they work for us.  

  • WRITEOP-EDS ARE KEY!!! CT Post, Greenwich Time, etc.  Guidelines to writing an OP-ED.
  • STARTA petition (if you have a Concerned CT Parents School Rep contact them to discuss)
  • READ – Every email you receive from your school thoroughly on the day you receive it – contact them if you’re concerned about the content 
  • LISTEN – Listen to your children about their day; are you hearing anything concerning? Talk to their teacher and escalate as appropriate and/or contact your Concerned CT Parents School Rep to discuss
  • TALK – To your child; tell them your concerns about what’s going on and what to be aware of at the school; let them know you’re there for them
  • RESEARCH – Find out more about the people and experts who are making important decisions at your school; if the findings are concerning share with other parents or your Concerned CT Parents School Rep
  • WRITE/CALL: Administration and leadership at your school (Head of School, Board Members, Heads of Divisions) and share your concerns 
  • WRITE/CALL: Find out who your State Reps are – write them/call them often 
  • SHARE INFORMATION: With other parents and those who can do something with it (like your Concerned CT Parents School Rep
  • JOIN – Concerned Greenwich Parents and the team at your school (Contact your Concerned CT Parents)

To receive updates on time specific actions, please join our mailing list.

Know someone who’d like to help?  Please share this with them!